Fact Fact Fact Fact: 81% of youth who have ever used tobacco started with a flavored product. 26 Reactions Source: "Flavored Tobacco Product Use in Youth and Adults: Findings From the First Wave of the PATH Study (2013–2014)." American Journal of Preventative Medicine, 2017. https://www.thetruth.com/sites/default/files/villanti2017.pdf See all +less − Flavors/Menthol
Fact Fact Fact Even if you dump the tobacco from the center of a flavored cigar, there’s still tobacco — and nicotine, which is addictive — in the wrap. 15 Reactions Source: Cooper, Ziva D., and Margaret Haney. “Comparison of Subjective, Pharmacokinetic, and Physiologic Effects of Marijuana Smoked as Joints and Blunts.” Drug and alcohol dependence 103.3 (2009): 107–113. PMC. Web. 7 May 2018. See all +less − Flavors/Menthol, Ingredients
Fact Fact Fact In the US, 21% of middle school and 16% of high school students who smoke, smoke Newport, a predominantly menthol brand. 4 Reactions Source: Perks SN, Armour B, Agaku IT. Cigarette Brand Preference and Pro-Tobacco Advertising Among Middle and High School Students — United States, 2012–2016. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2 Feb 2018;67:119–124. See all +less − Flavors/Menthol, Legal Age