Quitting vaping doesn’t have to be a solo journey. With This is Quitting — the first-ever text-to-quit vaping service — the help and support you need is just a text away. All you have to do to get started is text DITCHJUUL to 88709.
Share the number and encouraging message with your friends by downloading the images below. We know they’ll really appreciate it.
- Step 1: Download the image(s).
- Step 2: Share the message with your friend. You can text it, tweet it, or even print the image out and give it to them in person — feel free to customize the message so your friend feels extra special.
- Step 3: Show us how you encouraged your friend to quit. Upload a screenshot of your text, tweet or a photo of you, your friend & the inspirational image to our report back page.


Want Support Quitting Vaping? Join This is Quitting